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Somebody has to say it

With the Government examining all area of funding to cut in the upcoming budget, I found an area that should be cut instead of the numerous other sectors that are being attacked – like health and education.

According to the Public Accounts Committee, €20 million in child benefit payments are being sent to support children living abroad – ridiculous much? Department of Social and Family Affairs Secretary General Bernadette Lacey said it was supporting 10,000 children abroad and this would continue until the child is 18 years of age provided that one parent is living and working in Ireland.

In my opinion this is absolutely ridiculous. And no, I’m not being racist, I am upholding the view that is the responsibility of the other Countries to care for their children, it is not ours, most certainly not the responsibility of the already stressed out tax payer to dish out €20 million euro for children that don’t even live here. With our economy down the drain, we need that money here in Ireland.

Think of what that €20 million could be spent on. It could prevent cuts in the important areas I mentioned above.

So I’m going to state my view, and some people won’t agree with it, but I know most people will. The right to child benefit that is being given to those who send money abroad, should be revoked immediately.


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